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Double your Website Traffic with better Keyword Research Tool

mprove Search Engine Rankings and double your website traffic with rank improving keywords from the world's biggest keyword database
Get access to:

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And much more
More Traffic With High Search Engine Rankings - No Guess Work!

Get the exact blueprint that tells you how to increase traffic on your website. Know precisely which keywords to use in titles, headings, content, and anchor texts that will help you blast the traffic through the roof. Find out the traffic yielding keywords that your competitors use and snatch all of the organic traffic from them.
Learn More, Watch Video
Steal The 'Sales Making' Keywords Of Your Competitors

Reverse engineer your competitors’ traffic building SEO strategies and PPC campaigns and find the keywords that convert into sales for them. You can easily optimize your web pages and PPC campaigns for those keywords and snatch traffic and sales from your competitors. Get alerts when your competitors change their organic keywords, PPC Keywords or webpages and take actions as per their moves.
Learn More, Watch Video
Build Powerful Content That Attracts Unlimited Traffic

Discover the most popular niches within your industry and start building powerful content that ranks high naturally. Find the best keywords to use in title text, heading tags, website content and link building campaigns. Stay ahead of your competitors by discovering newly born keywords that even search engines

Boost Your AdSense Revenue By 300% Within Days!

Bisnis internet apalagi yang basicnya PPC atau CPC tergantung sekali dengan keyword. Kita harus memasukkan keyword yang sering dicari orang agar iklan atau banner yang kita pasang bisa dikunjungi. Misalnya buat Adsense, CPM Adbrite dan yang lainnya. Banyak para webmaster yang umumnya udah punya banyak duit, hehehe beli tools yang harganya sampe ratusan dollar. Padahal buat apa susah-susah kalo ada yang gratis...

Jangan dulu mudah percaya dengan orang-orang yang menjual SEO tools atau yang lainnya dengan harga mahal, tapi tidak ada jaminan kalo kita bisa menjadi "Raja" dan mengalahkan pesaing-pesaing kita. Selain gak punya duit saya gak gampang percaya, makanya gak mau deh beli yang gitu-gituan. Masih banyak koq trik-trik yang bisa digunakan dan semuanya gratis nan halal.

Sore-sore kemari pas nyari di mbah Google, eh ketemu juga 500 Top Keyword yang di update per jamnya. Wuiiihh...menggiurkan!! Penasaran kan, coba aja masuk disini. Lewat situs ini kita bisa "no'ong" ( keyword-keyword yang sering dicari orang.

Ini ada beberapa keyword yang saya lihat kemaren :

No. | Keyword Count

1. youporn 4407
2. myspace 3739
3. google 3603
4. yahoo 3027
5. ebay 2905
6. ebudy 2824
7. redtube 2565
8. nfl mock draft 2481
9. 2347
10. youtube 2341
11. hotmail 2263
12. elmo death 2153
13. 2127
14. gary busey 1988
15. 1982
16. obituaries 1965
17. 1960
18. lindsay lohan 1845
19. mapquest 1660
20. breaking news 1605

>>> Secret SEO Tips - Content Optimization

When talk business, This is probably the hardest selling point to get across to a client when seo speak begins. Sure people know they need to get ranked in Google, and they know you need to build an online presence, and of course, they all know that they need to get traffic to their site. But site copy? Anytime that topic is brought up, most clients proudly boast that they have already posted their brochure's information on their site and that works just fine. Well, it doesn't.
Content optimization is a skill that few people possess. Words sell, images don't.You need to get the user to take action! So, in that spirit, here is a list of things to do and ones to avoid for content optimization...

Things to do:

* Use the main keyphrase you are targeting on every page, except for the home page.
* Use keyphrases in your hyperlinks.
* Create a page title that is intriguing and eye catching. Remember words sell, graphics don't.
* Limit your keyword usage to 2 or 3 keywords per page. Otherwise, you may get tagged for keyword spamming.
* Create supplemental content like FAQ pages, how-to pages, industry glossary and related articles about the product.
* Use the description meta tag. Google refers to this when it can't find content or a listing in DMOZ.
* Always keep an eye on competitors and how they rank for the same keywords.
* Focus on the the pages that have your best conversion rates.
* Think like a reporter, asking the five W questions (who, what, when, where, why).
* Display your location. Studies indicate that people look for local vendors, even when online.

Things to avoid:

* Inserting keywords into copyrighted material.
* Forgetting what your audience is looking for.
* Leaving the title of your page as "Untitled".
* Using too many graphics.
* Waiting to implement copy changes for expected seasonal sales. You need 6-months when optimizing seasonal content to give the engines time to adjust to your alterations.

Content optimization is a continual process of monitoring and updating. By staying true to this course, you'll see the results in your sales, good luck...

Submitting Websites to Web Directories

Some directories allow free submissions and others will offer a one time fee for submission. Most directories offer premium services where your website can be featured more prominently in a particular category, and many directories allow a website to be included in more than one category. Regardless of their inclusion policies, the one thing that binds all website directories is that you must be approved before you are listed. You follow the application process to include your website in a directory, and then the directory owners review your application and your website to determine if they want to include your website in their directory. It is not unusual to be rejected by a website directory.

A search engine takes the keywords that a user inputs, and then sets out across the internet to find websites that return results based on those keywords. If your website is optimized to that particular keyword, then the search engine will list you high on the search results. A website directory is a listing of websites that is categorized and broken down so the user can browse through websites based on what they are looking for. If a user needs to find websites that deal with video games, then they would click on the video game category in a web directory and browse through the available links. A website directory consists only of websites that have been submitted to the directory, they do not search the internet and randomly add websites.

Most website directories require that you post a link to their directory in a prominent place on your website in order to be included in the directory. This may seem intrusive on the part of the directory, but the pros on this one far outweigh the cons. If everyone is required to post the directory link, then all of that web traffic sees the link and some will use it. Some that use it will require the services of a website like yours and they will find you in that directory. These sorts of directory link swaps do not improve your statistics on the major search engines, but they can be great ways to increase your web traffic and attract more potential customers.

There are a few ways that you can improve your standing in a web directory. Some web directories allow you to purchase premium placement on their listings that can help to guarantee you improved exposure. Other web directories have a bidding system where the various website owners pledge bids to see who will be placed the highest on the directory listing. The more popular web directories can get quite expensive with their premium placement programs, but the reality is that most users do not go much past the first few pages of a listing so if you want exposure you will need to pay for it.

28 Great Link Building Strategies

link building strategies
Link building can greatly help your business increase ranking within the search engines and cover any bad press about your business online. Here are some ideas that you can use to build links in the search engines :

1. Use social media. Social media sites such as FaceBook and MySpace are not just for the kids. You can create as many pages as you want that are SEO friendly and watch links build.
2. Use forums. Posting search engine optimized content in forums can end up drawing people to your website, especially if you learn how to use HTML.
3. Use RSS feeds on social media pages. This will allow your sites to be updated continuously.
4. If you have multiple sites, link your sites to each other.
5. Use social bookmarking pages.
6. Learn to use Meta Tags on your posts.
7. Take advantage of free press release distribution with SEO content.
8. Write reviews about your website on forums, blogs and especially on your site!
9. Encourage others to visit your site and spread links around.
10. Use a link exchange site.
11. Write articles for Ezinearticles and have them posted containing SEO rich material.
12. Submit links to all search engines.
13. Distribute free articles on sites that will allow SEO content.
14. Use hyper links to your articles in your various websites.
15. Get a sub domain site in addition to your website and build on that.
16. Link all articles as an RSS feed on your website.
17. Write a blog at a free blogging site that contains SEO material.
18. Use a good Meta description for your articles that contains your keywords.
19. Blog on your social media sites.
20. Learn how to use SEO resources.
21. Use Video for your site.
22. Post videos used on your site to other video sharing sites.
23. Learn how to understand and use web analytics to improve your content.
24. Use question sites as a way to post about your site and for link building.
25. Use question sites to answer questions posting a link to your site.
26. Encourage comments about articles as these will also help build links. Even if you have to comment on your own article, this will help with link building.
27. Add content to all sites periodically to keep building links.
28. Join groups where you can post in forums.

Enjoy this tips...

Links Can Make You Rich

Links Can Make You Rich

Content is king. So call it internet marketing world. But if you realize that there is no doubt that valuable information will ultimately determine your site will be a money machine. However, to get buyers who are ready to buy your products is not easy, because a constraint, they are difficult to find your site.

There are several ways ancient text containing the text link ads, banner ads, "sponsors", and directory listings. While it is only tip of the iceberg of the Internet potential methods available, they are all meant to do one thing:

Send readers to your site.

Now, now the world's number one search engine, Google, has a system in place that help link. To see this in action, go to and enter the following words: miserable failure. For those who do not tend to test themselves, the number one search result for the current page biography of President of the United States, Barack Obama. Obvioulsy, the White House was not involved in the campaign to target that phrase SEM led to the page. But what it does clearly show is how Google works.

It's all about the links.

Simply put, there are more links from the Internet that has known words "miserable failure" as the clickable text that led to the page. Do not get the idea that the SEO / SEM is as simple as that, but in cases where there is a saying that no one wants to rank up, very easy to manipulate Google's rankings. Keeping in mind that the demonstration, the goal of every webmaster should have text links that lead to their sites with keyphrase anything actively pursuing them.

While it will take more than just "out-link" your online competition, it was decided to get the benefits of your site links as much as possible - and take your money to the bank, huuuffhh..

Kupas Tuntas Paid Review : PayingPost

Lahan paid review makin lama makin menjamur aja, karena bisnis paid review terbukti makin diminati baik oleh advertiser maupun publishernya. Lanjut posting sebelumnya mengenai SponsoredReviews, Blogsvertise, ReviewMe & Linkworth, sekarang ane mau lanjutin ke program paid review berikutnya yaitu PayingPost. Tadinya sih mau posting beberapa hari sebelumnya, cuma ane lagi sibuk dan males nih, makanya baru bisa posting sekarang. Jadi harap maklum aja ya sohib-sohib semua. Oke tanpa ba-bi-bu kita kupas tuntas program paid review yang satu ini.
Buat yang belom pernah denger atau belom pernah ikutan, silahkan buka dulu di Payingpost termasuk program paid review yang memang mudah diikuti oleh siapa saja dan blog yang diikutsertakan tidak harus ber-pagerank tinggi atau mempunyai rank alexa yang tinggi.
Cuma, saran ane sih sebelum daftar di Payingpost minimal alexa rank anda dibawah 1 jutaan dan blognya udah punya pagerank minimal 1. Tapi itu cuma rekomendasi aja, kalo gak juga gapapa.

Oke lanjut ke bahasan berikutnya...Saat anda pertama kali mendaftar, poin penting yang harus anda pilih adalah category blog. Sebenernya sih category yang dipilih gak usah sesuai juga gpp....haha yang penting category yang dipilih yang banyak ngasih jobnya. Pengalaman ane sih kalo gak salah category yang banyak ngasih job itu business, internet, computer dan home. Tapi coba aja yang laen, biar gak penasaran. Blog yang kita daftarkan meskipun itu blom bagus, payingpost masih berbaik hati memberikan harga $5 dolar. Tapi kalo blog kita mempunyai ranking bagus, job yang di bandrol $10 - $15 juga bisa kita sabet.

Payingpost menerapkan sistem reserving (CMIIW) yang istilah kaburnya "siapa cepat dia dapat", artinya siapa yang cepat memesan job (bid) dialah yang berhak mengerjakan job tersebut. Apabila job tersebut telah dipesan oleh publisher lain, kita tidak bisa memesan job tersebut. Terus biar bisa jadi yang tercepat gimana? jawabannya kapan waktu job tersebut sering keluar. Ane pernah baca di blognya si Lebah Endut a.k.a tetetzet kalo job sering keluar antara jam 11.00-12.00 siang, 17.00 sore dan 23.00-00.00 malem. Tapi pernah juga ane dapet jam 10 siang...pokoknya pantengin terus aja antara jam segituan deh, kalo jobnya keluar langsung aja reserve. Tapi gak musti tiap hari sih, yang bagus denger-denger mitos banyak job itu antara tanggal 1 - 10 tiap awal bulan, nunggu advertisernya gajian kale....wkwkwkwk...

Masalah pembayaran agak sedikit mengecewakan menurut ane. Bukan karena harga yang murah tapi minimal payout yang ditetapkan oleh pihak payingpost terlalu gede, yaitu minimal payout $100. Kalo saldo udah lebih dari $100 baru pembayaran bisa dikirim lewat paypal. Ane aja sampe sekarang belom pernah dapet gaji dari payingpost, baru terkumpul kurang dari setengahnya. Tapi kalo urusan duit jangan patah semanget donk, tetep berusaha.

Mungkin acara kupas tuntas ane cukupkan sampe sini. Sebenernya masih banyak program paid review yang bisa diikuti, tapi ane cuma fokus sama program paid review yang mudah diikuti oleh para newbie dan syarat yang mudah untuk diikuti tetapi bayarannya cukup memuaskan serta gak perlu blog yang pake bahasa inggris. Kalo ada lagi, ntar ane bahas lagi deh...terima kasih atas perhatiannya... Is New

There are so many PTR circulating in the world with different from each other. But linkfromblog is a unique PTR. You will get a bonus when you success to do the activation. These bonuses vary Advertise with my Blog
depending on the quality from your blog. To follow this program you must follow all the rules that have been determined. For making review, usually the word that required to use is 150 words to 450 words each article review, but it certainly depends on the advertiser request and other specification from the advertiser.

But now if found a new paid to review program, is new comer with new innovation. Another PTR program must write long review, about 300 word for $30 but give you chance to make money with short reviews. You can earn money by short review or detailed review. Submit your blog now ! And make money online with your blog which high pagerank. Advertiser also can buy link from high pagerank blog to build your SEO and great backlink power.

Most of these websites pay you with PayPal which is something I love because I am constantly using pay pal online for bills, transactions, transfers, and business reasons such as paying for hosting or web design. Find more this program, visit and create buzz

Pay Per Click and SEO

PPC advertising has many great benefits. First of all, you get your traffic going quickly. I have used this advantage many times. I test new products and even new websites through PPC advertising before making a decision to promote or scrap my new website or product idea. I am a firm believer in testing new products before throwing large amounts of money into advertising. PPC advertising is a great way to do this. For example, with Google's Adwords program, you can post your ad, pay a $5 sign-up fee and have highly targeted traffic to your website within an hour. How is that for efficiency?

Also, you can moniter your click charges and stop them before they get too expensive. By the time you have spent your budget on clicks, you should have a pretty good idea of how successful your product is going to be. I think of PPC advertising as being the most useful when starting a new business or product. WIth PPC advertising, you can quickly and efficiently find out which keywords you need to target and which products are the most popular.

Once that testing period is over, however, it's time to look into Search Engine Optimization. PPC advertising can be very expensive, costing hundreds, even thousands a month in advertising costs. Once you know what keywords to target, it's time to put together a plan on how you are going to optimize your website. The drawbacks to search engine optimization is that it requires a lengthy amount of time to get your site to rank high with your keywords. That is why I suggest using this method after the testing period is over, when you already know your business will be profitable.

Search Engine Optimization is definately a slow way to get your website traffic if you plan on not using PPC traffic. It could be a long, expensive road before you even begin selling your product. Search engines can take months, even years to start pulling up high with the search engines. But, natural search engine traffic is definately the best long term way to get the majority of your traffic.

When getting your site to start pulling up in SE natural listings there are 2 main things that need to be done:

* Add Content
* Add Backlinks

Search engine traffic requires you to submit your site to many different search engines and wait, maybe even months for them to spider your website.

I have had much better luck with another route. You can pay a fee to have your website listed in a very high ranking directory like (free),'s directory ($299), (only $50), or another website where your link is on a page that has a page ranking of 4,5,6 or higher. The sites I mentioned above have rankings of 8 or 9. When you have your link on a site with that high of a ranking, the search engines are spidering those sites constantly and will find your website and spider it very quickly. Not only will they find it quickly but because you are linked to a high ranking site, you will also rank higher with the SE.

When looking for backlinks, focus on sites with content related to yours and high page rankings of 4 or higher.

As for content on your site, try to include about 200-500 words of content or text on most of the pages of your site. Text makes your site bulkier. Make sure to integrate all of the keywords you want to target within the content of your site. Don't worry about cramming the same keywords in over and over. Search engines may possibly even blacklist your site for keyword stuffing, if you try to do that.

There is a lot to know about Search Engine Optimization but, those are the 2 main factors when getting started. In summary, when starting out, I suggest using PPC advertising for testing products and keywords. Spend time optimizing your site for search engine traffic after you have tested your products and keywords.

How to Create Google Adsense Pages

First let me preface this article by stating that you should NOT create pages for the "gaming" of AdSense. Most companies who use AdWords are small to medium sized businesses trying to grow. With rampant click fraud, those advertisers won't be able to advertise, and AdSense won't pay out as well.
That said, let's begin the process. For our example, our topic is that of "gadget", so where do get started?

Create the page - Sounds simple enough, but there are some coding standards you should always use. They are:

* Name of the page - Use the name of the keyword you are targeting. So, in this example it would be gadget.htm. You can use your web server's technology as well, but if in doubt, you can never go wrong with the .htm
* Title the page - Use the keyword again for the title.
* Meta Tags - Yes, they are still used. Make sure you include the keywords in your meta keyword list, and give a definition of the word in your meta description tag
* H1 - Put your keyword in stylized H1 tags. Use CSS to make the tag look consistent to the rest of your site

Content - This is often the biggest obstacle non-writers have. Don't worry, follow these steps and you'll soon be on your way to original content.

* Go to MSN, Yahoo and Google
* Enter your keyword into the search box
* Look at the top 5 sites listed from each search engine
* Educate yourself on the topic from the content found on these sites

Page Copy - Now that you've absorbed more information, compose your own page of ORIGINAL content. You can take bits and pieces from the other pages, but be sure to inject your personality into your writing. That will make it uniquely yours.

Links - Don't forget to link to authority sites about your subject. It's very natural for web pages to have links to other sites, don't forget about this key point. Take a moment to see why you need outbound links.

Traffic - The most obvious is getting traffic to your site. Your site will have higher paying ads if your page gets more traffic. If you need help with this, be sure to visit the SEO resources section.

Personally, I tried using the traffic generating sites, and quite frankly, they are a waste of time. Sure you'll build up your traffic numbers, but it's usually from an autosurfing program.

Google shut down my account because they suspected click fraud. I really don't have a problem with them shutting me down, because as an advertiser I want to know that they are watching my money. However, I believe they should show proof of the supposed fraudulent activity. I was even proactive in letting them know when I saw suspicious activity, but they never replied to my inquires.

Free Google AdWords Credits to ALL DreamHost Hosting Clients!

Most Hosting companies offer Free Google Adwords credits to new customers. Dreamhost now offers free Google AdWords credits to new and existing DreamHost customers!

Google Adwords is the remarkable Google advertising platform which lets you place advertisements across millions of websites via Google Adsense ads. These ads are mostly contextually targeted and you pay per click, though you could change options and target specific sites on a CPM basis also.

Buy Hosting, Get Free Google Adwords Credits

So here is the deal they offer -

1. Sign up today and get $25 Adwords credits
2. Spend over $50 and get $50 Adwords credits
3. Spend over $75 and get $75 Free Google Adwords credit.

Free Adwords Credit Terms

Its the terms and conditions that you need to look out for

* Promotional credit must be applied to a new AdWords account within 15 days of creating the account
* Valid for new Google AdWords customers with self-managed signup accounts.
* Advertisers are charged for advertising that exceeds promotional credit.
* Advertisers will need to suspend their ads if they do not wish to receive additional charges beyond the free credit amount.
* The promotional credit is non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered.
* One promotional credit per customer.
* Advertisers with self-managed signup accounts are subject to a $5 activation fee.
* Offer valid only for sign ups through the URL provided for the promotion by customers with billing address in the US or Canada.
* Credits expires 31 December 2009.

Of course this deal will enable Google Adwords to get more accounts and let Dreamhost get more customers by offering free Google Advertising. While most web hosting companies offer new accounts with free Google Adwords, this offer is a win-win deal for all older Dreamhost customers too.

Signup for Google Adsense Email Interview: Get $50 Adwords

Google Adsense publishers in North America have a unique chance to participate in a Google Adsense Email Interview to share their experiences on how they use Adsense to make money online.

They will choose from all applications and contact selected participants by email. These lucky Adsense publishers also get a free $50 AdWords credit, if they complete the email interview and also respond to any followup

clarifications requested by Google. The credit may only be used with a self-managed AdWords account with a billing address in North America.

Are you ready to discuss your opinions about AdSense with a market researcher? Sign up for a Google Adsense Interview.

Another option for Successful Adsense users is that they can share their success stories with the Google Adsense team and get featured in the Google Adsense success stories page where there are lots of great optimization tips for both new and expert Adsense publishers. But by getting interviews, and enticing with $50 Adwords, now they can get many more publishers to share their stories and success mantra to make money online.

How to Put Adsense Inside Blog Posts (for Blogger or Blogspot)?

Adsense inside blog posts can be considered to increase or optimize your adsense revenue. It certainly can increase your CTR (Click Through Rate). Adsense, there are alternatives to put it inside posting, below the page title (like in this post) or below your article, and you can also set your adsense alignment (right or left). Many blogger or blogspot users experienced difficulties, especially new user to put adsense inside the posting. Well.. it is not too difficult, in this post I will show you the easy way to put adsense inside your post. Just follow these steps to put adsense inside blog post.
1. Get Your Adsense Code
Firstly, log in to your adesense account and create new ads. It is up to you about the ad size, but it is better if you choose large rectangle ads format. Okay now you have the adsense code. You can not put your adsense code directly, you need to "parse the adsense code", how?? Just go to ,paste your code and click "Parse". Now select the parse result and copy it.

2. Put Your Adsense Code
Go to and log in to your account. Now go to "layout section", edit html. Click "Expand template widget" and find this code or


If you want to put adsense below posts, paste the adsense parse result below this tag or

If you want to put adsense above posts (below the page title), paste the adsense parse result above this tag or

. You can also set its position (left or right). To sets the position, wrap your adsense parse code with
Your adsense code after parse
then save your template.
For Example :

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
google_ad_host = "pub-1599271086004685";
/* 336x280, created 7/19/09 */
google_ad_slot = "2827767942";
google_ad_width = 336;
google_ad_height = 280;
<script type="text/javascript"

3. Save and Confirm

Adsense inside the post text on new blogger

# Find the line below div class="post-body"

# Add this code between [p] and [data:post.body/] tags:



I've replaced Blogger Digest' method with Blogging Secret's method, because it's not violating Adsense TOS.

# Replace the comment lines from your adsense code:


# Save your template. You're finished.

This method does not alter the adsense code, it only decodes < and > for xml template.

How to improve your Adsense performance in one step

Improving your Adsense through concessions

You'll need to disregard your holdups about slightly invasive placements because to see any real return on your Adsense you'll need to put this unit in the way of the content and make it blend.

adsense unit Intentional vs Accidental clicks
Ideally you want the unit to be clearly an advert but blend well enough that you'll still get a few accidental clicks, because if you uberblend it then your readers will see you as a money hungry troll and disregard anything you have to say. If you make it stick out like a saw thumb then you'll get next to no clicks. It's a hard trade off and I've found (thus far) that matching the link colour is sufficient to bring in some extra money.

Google's Terms and Conditions indicate that you can't mislead your users into clicking the unit by making it "appear" like it's part of your site. For example putting it within your "related articles" list and styling it so that users couldn't tell where your content stops and the advert starts is definately not on.

How much can you expect to see

Google would be slightly "miffed" if I detailed my earnings but I can give you a general idea of what to expect from a unit. My unit performs reasonably well, accounting for 70% of all Adsense earnings - above the bottom unit.

Why this placement combination works
Having the unit embedded in content at the top means that it's in a focal position if users have read the first few lines and are going to navigate away, but it also collects those users who are a tad clumsy with their mouse. The bottom unit is for those who have read the article (or skimmed over it) and are then deciding their next action. They can either continue on to the comments or navigate away.

Avoid over-invasiveness
I dislike sites where the ads are utterly unavoidable and break up the article. I figure that having an adsense unit in the middle of the content - say, half way down - would perform rather well but completely ruin the flow of the article. With the embedded unit you are still able to ignore it because it's not in a primary position.

Nothing clever about keyword use or anything, just the manipulation of a simple formula. More clicks = more money. To get more clicks you need better placement and the square unit embedded in content seems to be the best performer possible. So if you're serious about seeing some return for your blogging efforts then this is your best option. If you're a purist then it's best avoided because I can concede that it is slightly invasive but that's the only real way to make money through contextual advertising mediums such as Google Adsense.

CPC, CPM or flat rate, which is best?

CPC, CPM or flat rate, which is best? One of the most common questions asked when considering how to advertise something, whether it be a blog, a product or service. Which method is best for your purpose? Who should you look to for direction? Also, which is best if you're trying to sell advertising on your site? I hope to help answer a few of these questions.

What is CPM/CPC/flat rate?
They are two metrics for how you pay for your

advertising. CPM = Cost Per Milli (cost per thousand) which translates to the price you pay for 1,000 impressions on your advert. CPC = cost per click, so essentially you only pay when people click your advert. Flat rate is when you buy a space on a website for a set period, whatever the traffic levels or CTR (click through rate).

Selling Advertising

This section covers those of you who wish to sell advertising on your website - so we need to look at what is going to generate the most income for you.

adsense For the majority of users CPC is the best option because you typically need monstrous levels of traffic to make CPM ads worth your while. CPC means you're paid every time someone clicks the ad - which means you need to get your placements right, which works out well for both you and the advertiser. Good placements = more clicks, this means more money for you and more traffic for them. You don't need massive figures to make CPC worth your while, just some decent positioning/blending.

This type is best for high traffic sites where the amount you get paid is proportional to your traffic, where you're paid for each thousand impressions on the ad. The logic behind this is that X number of people per thousand will click on the advert - but that's not your concern, you just need to keep the traffic coming and let them worry about the effectiveness of the advert. With the right site CPM can be very effective, but as mentioned previously, you need LOTS of traffic to make any real impact, so CPM isn't really for "modest" sites.

Flat rate
tla You can market the concept of flat-rate advertising any way you want. For you it's a nice income, paid by the week/month with no cost-to-performance criteria. So you get revenue whatever happens on your site that month - so if traffic goes down you get a good deal. Although, if traffic goes up - the buyer gets a good deal. It's a nice, ambiguous yet steady means of selling advertisement. Brokers such as Text-Link-Ads do flat rate ads.

Buying Ads

This section covers the decision from the perspective of the buyer, looking to run a campaign.

adwords By far the easiest to initiate and manage, CPC ads are best for the majority of users. You set a budget and you're only paying out when people click your advert - rather than paying per impression. This means that it doesn't matter what the CTR (click through rate) for the campaign is, because you're only paying out when someone clicks. I'll discuss later on where you can purchase these ads for.

Flat rate
If you're looking to buy flat-rate advertising then you're in for a gamble because you're not buying it on a performance basis. Unlike CPC where you're paying per click, flat rate means you're buying a slot for a period of time - whatever happens. The best forecast you can give is based on previous months for competitors in the same slot, so the price you pay is based on the traffic of previous months. If traffic is down the month you buy the ad, there's nothing you can do but settle for the raw end of the deal. However, if traffic is up - you'll be getting more for your money. Clearly the gamble is less on well-established sites that see very little fluctuation in traffic and it's these that you'll get the best forecast. Vendors such as Adbrite will grab this information for you - telling the average number of clicks ads in your chosen slot receive.

Think of flat rate advertising as playing the stock market. A well established site is going to give you what you paid for (there or there abouts) whereas up-and-coming sites could massively over-deliver, or they could fall flat on their rear-end. It's quite your decision but it's difficult to make big wins without paying the price.


CPM has very little place in the life of the average blogger/webmaster, unless you're lucky enough to be on the receiving end of thousands upon thousands of visitors a day then it's not worth your time.

CPC is much better for "normal" uses because you can easily manage your finances and get clever about things. CPC for sellers means ultra-targeted results and no payout if no one clicks it (besides a setup fee...). CPC for publishers means that you don't need massive traffic stats to make a difference to your bank account.

Flat rate is great in some instances but can be misleading (see my article on my experiment of advertising on Text-Link-Ads). To really get your money's worth you need to either deal directly with the site owner or get a placement on a site that suddenly hits big traffic levels.

Making money online with RSS to blog programmes (and why they don't work)

The Internet is one of the only places that exist where you can make money quickly; seemingly anyone can make money online. However to make any meaningful income you need some serious effort, dedication and skill - sometimes people try to outsmart the system and the RSS-to-blog idea is yet another one of those.

Making mone online is difficult and lucrative at the best of times, but rewarding for those who manage it. One of the most talked about ways of making money online is to run your own website. Put content on that website and users will stumble across it when searching for things.

So what is the RSS to blog scam?
The logic behind the RSS-to-blog scam is that if you aggregate feeds onto a site it saves you having to write meaningful content yourself - which is handy. Then it's just a case of sitting back and letting the search engines do the work. Right?

The search engines aren't that stupid anymore
Once upon a time this was a great way to make money online without using any of your own thinking power - short of trying to promote the site. You see, search engines are now very wary of sites that try to abuse their mechanisms and collating everyone else's content counts. Engines like Google keep an eye on new domains, placing you into the sandbox where your every move is watched. From the sandbox your search engine listings are greatly reduced.

The point of this is so that search engines can ensure that your content is meaningful, original and un-spammy before they release you upon the world. They have been known to place existing sites into the sandbox if their behaviour changes significantly.

Yet you still see loads of people pushing that as their "make money online" solution
It amuses me when you see so many people pushing this as their genius idea to "make money online". Search engines are wise to it so you should stick away from it or face several months with rubbish search engine listings.

How do I know? Because I've done it
A while ago I set up TorqueToday as a motoring website with the sole intention of trawling RSS feeds - as an experiment into the sandbox effect. It started life back in October and has since sat in the Google sandbox waiting to be released. All it does is trawl motoring RSS feeds and update itself every now and then. The content isn't original, the site isn't popular and therefore it sits in the sandbox - simple!

It has trawled through 3,200+ pieces of content in it's lifetime - that's probably too fast for search engines but either way it's impossible to find unless you search for the domain itself.

So RSS-to-blog schemes are worthless. You won't make any money from them because the content will have absolutely no value - it'll be repurposed from other sites that the search engines already index. I'm afraid if you're trying to cut corners in your quest to make money online, this isn't the way.

How to increase Adsense earnings by up to 5 times

There are countless thousands of bloggers trying to make a couple of dollars on the Internet through passive income - the most popular avenue for making a quick dollar is Google Adsense. However, here's a good Adsense tip that's often overlooked by most people.

Adsense is a Javascript delivered contextual advertising system that is open to any website owner. It analyses the content on the current web-page and delivers adverts specific to keywords found within the document; with the aim of increasing CTR (click through rates). However, getting Adsense to perform properly is an art in itself and there are many sites on the Internet offering advice on how to increase your earnings, yet few mention this key point.

Adsense pays out more on the higher up units you have
You're allowed up to (and including) 3 Adsense units on a single page and many webmasters/bloggers will use all 3. However, because they're all targetting the same keywords (from using the same algorithm to find contextual ads) then the units at the bottom of your page will pay out less per click than the ones at the top - purely because users pay more for the #1 spot, the ones at #10.

Let me explain using an example.
adsense sample On the right you can see a sample layout of They are using 3 Adsense units on the page; 2 on the right and 1 underneath the content. Now supposing unit #3 was getting the most clicks; the webmaster of this site will be scratching his head wondering why he's getting such rubbish amounts of money with so many clicks.

The reason is that the #1 search term (the one that pays out the most) will be placed into the first unit on the page. That unit is on the top right. Unit 1 is likely to have 4 items in it, so that's the 4 top paying keywords out. Unit number 2 is likely to have another 4, so that's 8 of the top paying keywords down the list. Therefore by the time you reach the bottom unit (#3) you're on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th highest paying keywords for your content so unless you're talking about lawyers or revolutionary pharmaceutical companies then you're CPC (cost per click) is going to be tiny.

Tiny CPC = Tiny Profit
Simple formula really. If you've built your website so that the most-clicked ad unit is not the first/only unit on the page then you're missing out.

How much difference it makes
I can't screenshot my Adsense, nor can I be specific about my current figures, but I can give you a very generalised idea. On this site I have two units - the one at the top of the page has an average page eCPM of more than 5x than that of the unit just above the comments.

To put that in very real terms, if received 4 clicks to the top unit - that would roughly equate to $2.50. 4 clicks to my bottom unit equates to around $0.50. Quite a big difference? Imagine if I had 400 clicks on each - not quite so small now is it?

So there you have it. If one of your Adsense units is getting significantly more clicks than the other one but is below it (in terms of page order); then you should seriously consider either moving the under-performing unit to somewhere underneath the good one, or remove it entirely. Doing this could mean that for every $1 you were earning, you'd now be making $5. I hope this helps.

Match Google Adsense Font Type and Size to Increase CTR

How to find the Google Adsense Ads Font Type and Size?

Remove the guesswork out of your web design. If you view the source code of the page, it will only reveal the javascript code.

In Firefox – Right click the ad, Select “This Frame” then “View Frame Source”. A new window shows you the whole source code with the CSS code too.
In Internet Explorer – Just right click the ad, select View Source.

For the leaderboard
line-height: 12px; font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;
line-height: 12px; font-size: 10px; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;

For the large rectangle
line-height: 14px;font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, sans-serif;
line-height: 14px;font-size: 10px; font-family: arial, sans-serif;

Remember, it is right click. If you left click, the ad will click through. It is better to try on someone else’s ads rather than click your own ads by mistake. Always avoid these common adsense mistakes. In a similar manner as above you can easily find what the exact Google Adsense size font face / font family and font size is and blend your website better.

AdSense Tricks: How to Increase CTR

An increase in CTR can mean a lot to AdSense Revenue. To increase AdSense revenue, either you have to increase traffic or increase CTR.

If somehow, you manage to triple your CTR just by tweaking the Google AdSense code, that equals three times boost in your traffic. Here are a few tips for increasing your CTR.

What Google AdSense Engineers say:

- An email conversation with a Google Engineer:

"Due to the dynamic nature of Google AdSense, fluctuations in your revenue will occur. Your earnings will depend on a number of factors, including the types of ads being served to your pages, the cost per click or cost per impression of these ads, and your users' click through selections. Regarding ad placement - the best ad format varies from page to page. We've observed that, in general, wider ads perform better because of their reader-friendly format. We strongly recommend putting your users first when deciding on ad placement. Think about their behavior on different pages, and what will be most useful and visible to them. You'll find that the most optimal ad position isn't always what you expect on certain pages."

- Google Optimization Guide:

For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the article tends to perform better. It's almost as if users finish reading and asking themselves, "What can I do next?" Precisely targeted ads are just like answering their questions.

What Webmasters have concluded

Webmasters have very diverse views on how to increase CTR. It largely depends upon the keywords you are targeting, looks of your website, the quality of its content, placement of AdSense ads, page optimization and various other factors. Generally, AdSense blocks wrapped between the quality content works the best. For the websites having poor quality content, placing the Ads before the start of the content works best.

If you develop a poor quality content website, it will likely give you high CTR and clicks, but you will be getting low priced ads and also nobody will like to add your url to their favorites. But if you have quality content, that keeps the visitors glued, you may get low CTR, but you will be getting high priced ads and regular visitors, too.

Proper positioning of ads on your website has direct impact on your CTR. Change the location of the ads and watch changes in your CTR regularly. Try to locate the area of the page where the focus of the visitor can be. Generally, AdSense ads near the quality content or other crucial areas like navigation bar tend to perform better. But it really depends upon the keywords you are targeting, and the traffic you have. As the Google engineers say, more user friendly ads, more widespread tend to do better than towers and others.

The Traffic

AdSense comes after traffic. No traffic, no AdSense. Take a great care of your traffic. Your visitors expect some valuable information from you. Make sure you are providing quality content to them. This will increase your visitors' return back ratio. And only those visitors will return who are more targeted to the content you are providing. More targeted users mean more CTR. 85 percent of my visitors add my website urls in their Favorites, and most of them do return.

Install a Website stats monitoring software and regularly look at your web logs, and get a handle on where your traffic is coming from. Try to establish a pattern or relation between your AdSense stats and your traffic stats, so that if there are any marked deviations you can make a judgment on why there has been an increase/decrease and what (if anything) you can do about it.
This will give you new ideas to develop traffic.


Experiment and experiment a lot, till you are satisfied with the tweaks you have done to achieve highest CTR. Track your page performance by making channels of ads in your AdSense Control Panel and experiment till you are satisfied with your CTR. Though, each such experiment will make you loose money for a day or two, as Google may take time to adjust with new changes, but it will be beneficial in long run.

KeywordCountry ( helps AdSense webmasters in increasing their AdSense revenue. KeywordCountry is a library of 2.83 million Top paying keywords containing thousands of niche keywords. For more tips and tricks on AdSense, subscribe to

How do I make money from WidgetBucks?

There are three ways to make money from WidgetBucks:

1. CPC, or Cost-Per-Click ads. Each time a user from the CPC country list clicks on a WidgetBucks ad widget on your site, you get paid. (CPC ads are also known as PPC, or pay-per-click ads.)
2. CPM, or Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions. When a user views a CPM ad from one of WidgetBucks’ ad partners either as an initial view prior to the widget loading, or from outside the CPC country list, you earn revenue.
3. Referrals. When you refer a new WidgetBucks user, you will receive a 15 percent referral fee based on the commissions earned by the people you refer. You'll receive this 15 percent for the full 12 months after the new member joins.

How much do I make?

How much you earn for CPC (Cost-Per-Click) and CPM ads depends largely on your site's traffic and content. For international CPM ads, the CPM rate varies by region from around the world.

How do I get started?

Getting started with WidgetBucks is a simple 1-2-3 process. First, sign-up. Second, configure your widgets with our easy publishing system. Third, paste the code into your blog or Web page, or use our integration with popular blog platforms such as TypePad, Blogger and WordPress. If you want to change or update your WidgetBucks widgets in the future, simply sign in and go to My Widgets. WidgetBucks requires approval of new accounts in order to maintain network quality and a competitive revenue-per-click rate for publishers.
Does WidgetBucks require approval to join?

Yes. WidgetBucks is a "gated" ad network that requires approval to join. New publishers are required to submit information upon sign-up, including domain information, site types, as well as additional location and contact information. The support team will review the publisher's information and site(s) and then approve/enable the account or deny (along with a reason).
How often do I get paid? What are methods of payment?

We make payments 45 days after the end of each month, if the account has a balance of at least $50. PayPal payments typically are made first, followed by checks. The $25 Sign-Up Bonus [received by publishers who signed up prior to Jan. 15, 2008] counts towards this $50 minimum for payment and is shown on your MyBucks page on As an example, if you signed up for WidgetBucks in October, you would receive your first commission payment within 45 days of Oct. 31, approximately mid December, however we make best efforts to get money sent out earlier.
Does WidgetBucks pay in U.S. dollars or local currency?

We pay in U.S. dollars. Payments are by check or through PayPal. Payments are sent anywhere in the world. Checks will be mailed to your physical mailing address for U.S. accounts. PayPal payments will be deposited into your PayPal account, which is associated with a specific e-mail address (this e-mail address can be different from the one you use to sign up for WidgetBucks). Please visit the My Settings page at: and indicate how you would like to be paid.
How frequently do my Impressions, Clicks, and Revenue statistics update?

All reporting data on WidgetBucks is updated daily and displays by Noon Pacific Time for the previous day's activity.
Do you have a bonus program?

Not any longer. WidgetBucks' $25 bonus program was discontinued on January 15, 2008.
Do you have a referral program? How much does it pay?

Yes. When you refer a new WidgetBucks user, you will receive a 15 percent referral fee based on the commissions earned by the people you refer. You'll receive this 15 percent for the full 12 months after the new member joins. Your referral fees will be credited to your account and paid monthly, along with your commission payout. So, if you refer someone, and they make $100 in commissions, we pay you $15; if they make $1,000, we pay you $150. This continues for a whole year on all the commissions they earn. The Referral page has details on the Referral Program. When you are logged-in, go to the Referral Tools page to grab referral ads. You will soon see a "Grab this Widget" link on all widgets for viral distribution, which includes your referral information. Note that the cookie used to identify those you refer lasts for 30 days after they click on a referral link.
What is YieldSense?

YieldSense™ is WidgetBucks' patent-pending ad optimization technology that helps publishers maximize their earnings. YieldSense automatically analyzes and displays the best performing WidgetBucks ad content on a publisher's site or blog. This not only increases a publisher's rate of return but it also eliminates the need for manual and tedious ad testing.
How do I use or activate YieldSense?

If you are an existing WidgetBucks publisher, you don't need to do anything to activate YieldSense -- it's already hard at work maximizing your return. For new pubishers, sign up for WidgetBucks now and activate YieldSense when creating your WidgetBucks ad widgets.
Can I place more than one WidgetBucks ad on my site?

You can place up to 3 ads per page on your approved sites.
Can I run WidgetBucks with Google AdSense?

Yes, WidgetBucks is compatible with all other ad systems.
Can I post a widget to my blog or publishing platform?

In many cases, a blogging/publishing platform will not allow the user to directly edit/enter HTML directly and/or there are restrictions on including javascript within a post. In these cases, you will not be able to place a widget in a post, but you may be able to add the widget to the sidebar. Sidebars are provided by nearly all blogging/publishing platforms, and they typically support HTML/Javascript. For example, WordPress does not allow certain types of accounts to add Javascript. Blogspot and Typepad are examples of platforms that allow you to place the widget code directly in a blog post and/or in the sidebar. WidgetBucks currently has direct integration with Blogger and Typepad to add the widget directly to a sidebar. You can also copy/paste the HTML code directly into a blog post on these platforms. Wordpress is also a very popular blogging platform, but has some specific WordPress steps that must be followed to support Javascript within your post. As a rule, if your platform allows you to directly edit HTML, you should be able to post a widget.
Can I put WidgetBucks on my site if I'm not based in the US?

Yes, as long as the site meets the terms of service. Please be aware that our terms of service does not allow ad-only sites, sites containing pornography or violent images, sites with invalid domains, and of course, click fraud. WidgetBucks can be placed on any site that has traffic; however, due to the nature of CPC advertising of products, placement of your widget can have a great impact on how much potential money is earned on WidgetBucks.
Why has WidgetBucks suspended my account?

If your account has been suspended, it has violated one of our terms of service, including click fraud. Additionally, invalid domains and non-English language sites are not allowed, as well as ad-only, pornographic and/or violent sites. Other reasons for declining or suspending accounts include inactive sites, splogs, unoriginal content, and paid-to-click/paid-to-read networks. Upon suspension or warning, an mail is sent to the publisher who had an account suspended with the specific reason as to why.
What do I have to do to make the PPC or CPM ads work at the right time?

Nothing. WidgetBucks handles this automatically. At the time a user visits a page containing the widget, we will sense the geographic location of the visitor. If they are in the CPC list of countries, the user will see the normal WidgetBucks widget. If the user is outside those countries, then our system will determine a country-specific CPM ad to display. We are currently working with advertisers covering 100 countries and offering thousands of creatives to ensure that most site visitors will be monetized for your benefit. All ads are restricted against adult or other suggestive themes.

If you are an existing publisher running widgets, you will need to replace existing code with new WidgetBucks ad code on their sites in order to begin earning international CPM revenue. To update your widget(s), simply click "Copy HTML" within the "Customize Your Widget" page for that widget and re-paste/replace the code block into your site. The updated code can also be replaced directly into the Blogger, TypePad or WordPress blogging platforms.
Does WidgetBucks offer CPC widgets for non-U.S. merchants?

Yes. In addition to CPC widgets through the U.S.-based merchants, WidgetBucks offers CPC widgets through various international merchants. As of Summer 2008, traffic from the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and other Western European countries, such as Germany, France, and Italy were added to the CPC Country list.
What is the CPC Country List?

If your site traffic comes from a country not on either the CPC or CPM Country list, it does not earn revenue.
What can I do about click fraud on my site?

To guard against outside people committing click fraud on a site and widget ads, several of our large publishers have installed scripts that sense when someone at a particular IP address is clicking too fast and too often. The script then blocks that IP address and prevents them from clicking. Thus, their widgets do not show a high number of invalid clicks, and their accounts are not suspended. Publishers who don't have this protection may want to consider installing such a script on their sites.
Does it matter what type of site I have to use WidgetBucks?

As long as the site meets the terms of service, you can use ads on any kind of site or pages you are looking to monetize. We've seen our shopping widgets be effective on specific product blogs, entertainment sites, social networks or even local search engines. Try out a few different widgets and see what works best for your customers, but regardless, you'll be making money! We have noticed that well-placed WidgetBucks ads can yield a very competitive eCPM. Ad placement is important for U.S., Canadian and Western European traffic - they see CPC ads, so it needs to be "above the fold". If you are selecting a specific content category, be sure it applies to your site content. Review our terms of service for a complete list of the types of sites that are not allowed by WidgetBucks.

Backlinks For Announcing Your Site To The World



8 steps to get Google Adsense Approval

Remember that content is the king, Just create some quality content for your site. Make content that is not breaking the google adsense TOS (Term of Service). if the site is about firearms, xxx, gambling, or warez, even if it’s just for example firearms reviews, that might set off the deny button. Here is list of why the site got deny from adsense :

1. Site under construction.
2. Not enough pages.
3. Not enough traffic.
4. Site that doesn’t comply with policy.

So how can I get google adsense Aproval, then? (here is simple trick)

Most of the adsense publisher apply the adsense using one of the fast, cheap and most efficient way to make blog for adsense approval. Here is step by step how to do it :

1. Make a blogger,con account

2. Make one blog at (eg:

3. Fill you blog any english article, of course article that correlated with your blog title. You can find it by googleing around using and then do some modification on the article, to make it unique. Try to make 3-5 blog post.

4. Then go to google adsense to register ( Submit your blog address for review by google adsense team, Use your true identity don’t fake it, play with clean

5. Then wait, During waiting time, please keep updated your blog. Make a blog post at least one per day. And start promoting your blog, to get more visitor.

6. Dont forget to Check your email. Usually the mail arrive in four working days.

7. If you got Approve, then you may put he adsense code in your blog, of course keep your blog updated too. and begin to promote your blog. If you got deny move to step 8.

8. If you got deny, Please check your mail carefully, Pay attention to the reason why your blog got rejected. Correct all the mistakes and go back to step one.

How to put ads on the proxified pages

A lot of proxy webmaster or proxy owner usually didn’t know how to put ads on the proxified pages. By putting ads on the proxified pages, you can increase or maximized proxy sites potensial. Here are some simple guide on how to put ads on the proxified pages, according proxy script. We are going to put ads in the top, like adbrite, widgetbucks, etc (PS: do not put adsense in the proxified pages).

Open the “index.php” file with any text editor that you prefer. then scroll down to the very bottom and find the following line:

$_url_form .= ‘


Now simply place the advertising code between and
. Note: If the advertising code has any ‘ (single quotation marks) you will need to replace them with \’ (backslash single quotation marks).
You need to open the file “nph-proxy.cgi” with any text editor that you prefer. Then scroll down to a little past the middle and find the following lines:



Now place the advertising code between and EOF. If you scroll a bit farther you should see the same set of lines. Place the advertising code there too. Note: You do not need to replace any ‘ (single quotation marks) for CGIproxy.

Open the “templates/” file with any text editor that you prefer. then scroll down to the very bottom and find the following line:

$formHTML = <<
change to :

$formHTML = <<

Now just put your adcode in the
tag. that’s all for glype script

To place ads on top of proxified pages in Zelune proxy script, you need to open the file “index.php” with any text editor that you prefer. Then scroll down to a little past the middle and find the following lines:

$string = $this->mass_replace($to_replace, $string);
return $string;

Now place the following code between the lines $string = $this->mass_replace($to_replace, $string); and return $string;:

$adcode = ”;
$string = preg_replace(’#\<\s*body(.*?)\>#si’, “$0\n$adcode” , $string, 1);

Now place your advertising code between the ‘ (single quotation marks) in $adcode = ”;. Note: If the advertising code has any ‘ (single quotation marks) you will need to replace them with \’ (backslash single quotation marks).
To place ads on top of proxified pages in BBlocked script, open the file “includes/template.php” with any text editor that you prefer. Scroll down to the end and find the following line:


Now place the following code above the line print($output);:

$adcode = ”;
$output = preg_replace(’#\#si’, “$0\n$adcode” , $output, 1);

Now place your advertising code between the ‘ (single quotation marks) in $adcode = ”;. Note: If the advertising code has any ‘ (single quotation marks) you will need to replace them with \’ (backslash single quotation marks).

How to put Google Adsense in GWT

You can put the java script-code from Adsense in the single HTML page that GWT starts with. This way the advertising will not be displayed in the same area as GTW but above/below the GWT code. For advertising that could be ok.

This example places a baner above the application:


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="com.javaoracleblog.aggregator.nocache.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"..
ADsense code here

<iframe src="javascript:''" id="__gwt_historyFrame" tabIndex='-1' style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0">iframe>
In order to indicate to Google WT that the site of Google adsense can be trusted you need to add a regex matching URL to the -whitelist command line argument.

Note that this will probably not solve the problems desribed in the above "Why I dumped GWT" article.

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" type="hidden">

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Best of the Web: Our Favorite Blogs and Web Sites

This is a round-up of some great websites and cool blogs that we think you should check out.

Recommended Reading

Use Facebook Chat without opening

disable facebook chatFacebook includes an awesome chat feature that lets you instantly start conversations with your Facebook buddies without installing any IM software but the only small issue is that you need to be on the website in order to use Facebook chat.

If you find this a bit inconvenient, here are some good workarounds that will let you chat on Facebook from anywhere without even having to open the Facebook site in your browser.

Facebook Chat Inside the Web Browser

If you have Google Chrome or Prism for Firefox, you can open this address in your browser address bar and then create an application shortcut to Facebook chat on your desktop.

Firefox users may bookmark the above link and set the "Load this bookmark in Sidebar" property to true in order to use Facebook chat from the Firefox sidebar.

If you an IE user or hate to use Facebook chat from the sidebar, try Gabtastik – this is a minimal desktop client for Facebook that looks exactly like the web version of Facebook chat but will also send you notifications of new messages and chat requests from the system tray.

meebo - facebook chat

Meebo, the very awesome web based instant messaging service, now supports Facebook chat as well. You can connect your Facebook account with meebo via the Facebook Connect service (so there’s no need to share your Facebook credentials with anyone) and instantly chat with your online buddies inside the web browser.

There are two advantages here – you can use Facebook chat even if the main site is blocked in your office and two, you can simultaneously connect with friends on other IM networks from the same website.

Facebook Chat Clients for your Desktop

facebook messenger

ChitChat – If Facebook were to develop a standalone messenger on the lines of Yahoo! or Google Talk, it might look something like ChitChat.

ChitChat is a Windows-only desktop client for Facebook that provides a tabbed window to make it easy for you to talk to may friends at once. It will also show notifications in the tray when your friends go online or when they have signed out. The application is in RC stage so expect a few bugs.

digsby for facebook

Digsby – This is again a very useful all-in-one app that helps you stay up to date with everything happening on your Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, LinkedIn and other online accounts.

If you have multiple accounts on Facebook (like you and your spouse), you can associate all of them with your Disgsby messenger and chat with the combined buddy list simultaneously. Facebook doesn’t allow audio or video calls but Digsby indirectly brings that feature to Facebook Chat via tokbox.

There were reports (1,2,3) that Digsby’s installer can add some crapware to your computer but that should not hold you back as there’s an alternate installer (direct link) that will bypass the non-essential stuff.

adium on facebookAdium – If you are on Mac, Adium is probably the best choice for you to chat with Facebook friends from the desktop.

Like Pidgin and Digsby, Adium too supports multiple IM networks, including Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, AOL AIM, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, Skype, Twitter and Jabber (XMPP). And it uses the same Facebook Chat plugin that is available for Pidgin users on Google Code.

pidgin with facebook chat

Pidgin – While Facebook Chat is not officially supported in Pidgin, there’s a free plug-in that lets you connect to the Facebook chat server from Pidgin. And like Digsby, Pidgin too would let you chat with buddies on multiple Facebook accounts from the same interface.

Pidgin vs Digsby – Pidgin is purely for instant messaging while Digsby will also display notifications like when a friends sends you a message using Facebook email or if he or she writes something on your Facebook wall. Some people in the comments say that even Pidgin displays notifications but at least that doesn’t work in Windows 7.

Pidgin will show all your Facebook contacts in one giant list (see update) while Digsby will group contacts under logical "Friends list" just the way you have them on the main site. Update: The new version of Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin displays your online friends under groups just like Pidgin.

Convert PDF Documents to SWF Flash Movies Online with PDFMeNot

convert pdf swf flash Like Scibd and SlideShare, PDFMeNot is an online PDF to Flash converter that will instantly convert any Adobe PDF document into a Macromedia Flash (SWF) movie while preserving the original layout, image graphics and formatting.

The PDF to SWF converter can very useful when you have to embed PDF files in web pages for inline viewing or you want to read PDF files on a computer that has no Acrobat Reader.

Here’s how to create Flash movies from PDF documents:

1. Go to (Username: stateless Password: systems) and type the URL of the PDF file – you can use this PDF link as an example. Alternatively upload a PDF from the local hard drive.

2. In your Firefox menu bar, click Tools -> Page Info -> Media. Select the object that has an SWF extension (e.g. and save it to your disk. That’s the SWF file created from your PDF document. For IE, here’s the trick to save Flash locally.

Bloggers can embed the following JS code in their web templates and PDF links will open in Flash SWF format via PDFMeNot.

While PDFMeNot is an extremely convenient option for quickly viewing PDF files in the browser without loading Adobe Reader, the downside is that the generated SWF objects contains Zoom but no Print and Search function. They are all supported in Macromedia Flash Paper format used by Scribd. Thanks Marshall.

Free SEO Guide to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

Traffic volume is the most important parameter when it comes to monetizing your blog (more visitors = more money). A large portion of traffic volume comes from search engines. To monetize efficiently, it's crucial to get your blog contents in the top list of any search engine result pages (SERP). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps you to achieve this goal.

There are two types of search results:

* Natural (a.k.a organic).
* Paid (e.g. sponsored links in Google SERP).

We'll focus on improving your ranking for the natural search results. Getting in the first few pages of the SERP will ensure that most people will find your content.

Search engines basically need one thing to know where to put your blog on their list - your rank on the keyword(s) used to search. For example, if your blog title is Tiki Tiki Guide to Making Money, you might be ranked high if people search for the keywords 'tiki tiki guide'. But you might be far beneath the thousands of other pages on the keywords 'making money online'. The question is, which of these two keyword phrases people will most likely search for. The answer is obvious.

The key to performing SEO lies in knowing what keywords to use and how to optimize their use. Be warned that heavily searched keywords are usually targeted by millions of sites and blogs, whom you have to compete against to move up the SERP. Finding a balance between highly competitive and highly searched keywords is a challenge.

Keyword and SEO research takes time. Even professional bloggers take a few months to move up the SERP right into the first few pages. Above all, content is the heart of a blog. If the content isn't good, no SEO research will do you any good.

Target the Right Keywords
Deciding what to blog is the most critical part. You must do research on keywords prior to deciding your niche. Here are some list of what to check on:

* Search volumes on those keywords.
* Number of competitors writing in the same niche.
* Ads served based on those keywords, so that you don't blog on the ones serving very low cost-per-click(CPC).
* Variations of these keywords: their synonyms and related words or phrases (see which get searched more with less competitor).

The best tool to help you with this is Wordtracker, available at a price. The site offers free trial and limited functions available for free. There are other keyword tools available with different functionalities.

Choose Suitable Domain Name
SEO keywords begin from the URL. The best domain name is the one with keyword(s) in it. It's great to have a URL like, but you'll loose out on getting better SERP rank if it doesn't contain any keywords. Isn't it obvious that helps SEO better than Unless of course, you've built some high reputation and your name gets searched a lot.

The other perspective on domain naming is that building a brand name is better in the long run, with something easy and catchy to remember. So there's two side of the coin: you might want to flip on it. But once you've built your blog to a certain level, it's not good to change the domain name. Having a URL that's both catchy and keyword-friendly is ultimately the best. is both catchy and keyword-friendly. Use whois lookup to check if a domain is available.

Use Keywords in Other Sections
The idea is to maximize the use of keywords wherever you can (don't overdo it though). These are the places that you must put keywords in them:

* Blog Title - Search engines weigh your blog title heavily. Again, it's best to find a name that is both catchy and keyword-rich.
* Blog Description - This is where you want to write phrases that catches attention, but rich with keywords too. If you're ranked even at No.1, but your description is as dull as a bull, nobody is going to click to your blog.
* File Names - Use keywords to name files, pictures, photos, graphs, videos, etc that you're using in your blog.
* Internal Links - Some sites use image maps with hotspot hyperlinks, images, or buttons to navigate within the sites. This works against SEO. It's better to use text links instead of images as text links carry more weight when getting ranked in search engines.
* Tags or Labels - Each posts should be tagged or labelled with keywords to help strengthen SEO. Some prominent blog directories, like Technorati, uses these tags to identify your blog for others to search.

Blog titles, descriptions, and keywords can be enhanced by using META tags. Here's an article on how to use META tags efficiently.

Use Keywords Often in Content
How do search engine algorithms decide what each post is about? They'll scan for the the most-used keywords in the post, with different weights given to different elements. To make your posts 'acknowledged' as being related to any particular keywords, use and repeat them often in the posts. But don't do this too excessively to the point of being straight-out blunt and annoying. Having the right keyword-density in your posts have two benefits:

* Draws in more related ads to the post pages. Related ads have better click-through-rates (CTR).
* Contributes more towards getting higher rank on those keywords.

Build Links from External Sites
One way to get linked to is by exchanging links, commonly done in Blogrolls. Higher-ranking external sites helps your blog more in terms of SEO. Another way to do this is to submit your blog to directories (here's a tool for an automatic submission for multiple directories). Another highly trusted free directory is DMOZ. Posts can also be submitted to social media directories (e.g. Digg, StumbleUpon) that get voted up/down. Two benefits of submitting to directories:

* You're building links on external sites to your blog/posts.
* Others may stumble on your blog/posts in these directories and visit your blog from there.

Use Keywords to Anchor Hyperlinks
Don't use the term 'click here' to anchor hyperlinks - use keywords instead. Hyperlinks are valued more by ranking algorithms than the normal content text. Keyword anchors contribute better to SEO compared to the clickhere anchors.

Create Efficient Site Navigation Map
How to influence your readers to stay longer in your blog? Make it easy for them to see what's in your blog. To do this is to build efficient site map, something like an Archives or Categories lists. Even better is to list Related Posts items at the end of each post. Use keywords to anchor all links. This practice helps SEO as it build links to your own blog using keywords, albeit internally, and helps spiders to crawl up your pages easily.

This article has been adapted from an article by Randy DuerMyer at (Alexa rank: 144). The main key points was summarized to shorten the text and expanded to include new and valuable information not available in the original article. The new article (1134 words) is much shorter by 40% compared to the original article (1880 words).

Methods to Make Money Online from Blogs

Darren Rowse has written a long article describing methods available for bloggers to earn money online directly from their blogs. The essence of this guide to making money online, added with some entry of my own, is summarized below.

A number of different monetizing methods are available for bloggers to use. Selection of which methods to use depends on blogs' niche, number of visitors/subscribers, impressions and expertise, among other things.

1. Advertising

* Contextual Ads - This is a pay-per-click (PPC) or cost-per-click (CPC) ads system based on blog contents (e.g. Adsense, YPN). It is a good system for blogs with specific niche topic. General blogs or blogs without any niche will not work well because the systems do not have any context to 'lock' on to when selecting what ads to display (resulting in displays of some very general ads).
* Non-contextual CPC ads - Display ads without having to relate to context, such as Chitika’s eMiniMalls.
* Impression-based ads - Payment are made based on the number of people viewing the ads; only good for blogs with large traffic). Examples: Fastclick and Tribal Fusion.
* Text Ads - A text-link on your blog sold as ads by text-link ads programs (such as AdBrite, Text Link Ads, and Bidvertiser). These programs sell your text-links to their own pool of advertisers; the benefit is that you don’t have to go through the hassle of finding your own advertisers. You also have a degree of control over what ads to run and what prices to set.
* RSS Ads – Many ads programs display ads in RSS feeds. Some programs only offer this option to blogs with a certain number of traffic, impressions, or subscribers.

2. Sponsorship
Well established blogs with large traffic have better chances of directly finding their own advertisers or sponsors to display ads. Typically, blogs with specific niche have more chances of getting sponsors with the same niche (e.g. blogs about camera getting Nikon or Kodak as sponsors). Ads are sold in the form of banners, text-links, buttons, or newsletters. Another type of sponsorship is sponsored posts: bloggers are paid to write specific posts as required by sponsors, or posts reviewing sponsors’ own blogs (positively I suppose).

3. Affiliate Programs
Affiliate program providers (e.g. Amazon, eBay, Linkshare, Commision Junction, Clickbank) pay you commissions for sending readers to purchase their products/services. Participating in these programs may require you to put more effort (than needed to setup ads in your blog) to influence readers to buy the products or services.

4. Selling Blogs
Well established and profitable blogs may be (and have been) sold at lucrative prices. An example is Weblogs Inc. which were sold to AOL for $25 million. But, to reach that level of success is extremely difficult and rare. Some smaller blogs have been sold at auction sites like eBay and SitePoint.

5. Donations
Only a very small number of blogs have been successful at making profitable income through donations. Most of them have large number of loyal readers.

6. Merchandising
Successful bloggers have used their influential blogs as brand names to be sold as merchandises (T-shirts, mugs, stickers, etc).

7. Paid Subscriptions
Selling blog contents to subscribers is an option to bloggers but a difficult one to profit from because similar contents are available free online. Bloggers would need a certain degree of expertise or exclusivity to have readers wanting to pay for these contents.

8. Blog Networks
There are two ways to profit from these methods: (1) Start your own network and pay bloggers to write in your network while profiting from the seven methods above. (2) Join other networks as a paid writer.

My Comments
If you're new to this, getting too excited to try everything on the list at the same time would be a big mistake. Building your blog from the basics up the ladder - with patience - is the key. It's tempting to try all the different monetizing methods and see if it works more than others, but you'll end up wasting your time too much learning on how to get the most out of the different methods. It's best to start from the most common ones (most likely Adsense) and build up your experience getting the most out of it. Your experience then will make it easier for you to learn other new methods in time. Anyway, Adsense has been reported to bring in the biggest chunk of revenues to many popular bloggers.