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2 Simple Ways To Find Great Keywords

Keyword research is the fundamental step in SEO process. I agree that it is a tedious and painful activity. But if you do not find correct keyword to target, it might waste your time and resources.
Here are 2 simple and quick ways to find traffic generating keywords for your web pages and posts.

#1 Google Search Box

Assume that you have a site related to SEO and you would like to write an article about link baiting.
So you can go to Google and type in “link baiting”. Here is the screenshot.
Google Search Box
You can see there is a list of keywords suggested by Google. You can actually click the keywords shown in the list and go directly to the search engine result pages. For example, clicking on “link baiting ideas” will take you straight to the result page.
As you can imagine, this suggested list make your life easier to look for longtail keywords. Since longtail keywords are much easier to rank in Google, it’s a good idea to start targeting on them.
While searching for “link baiting” keyword, many people will also notice other keywords presented by Google and click on them. This makes those other keywords great terms to include in your article content.

#2 Google Related Search Terms

You need to use popular keyword for this method. For example, we can search for “seo” term. Once you’re inside search engine result page, you can go to the bottom of the search result page and find related search terms. Here is the screenshot.
Related Search Terms
Each releated keyword is link to another relevant search engine result page. It is also a good idea to target these keywords.


The methods mentioned above are quick and simple ways to find great keywords for your SEO purpose. But they are not all for your SEO process. You still need to go through keyword searches analysis and competition analysis before you decide which keyword to target.
Do you have any other quick and simple ways to look for great keyword? Please share.